Greeting cards at the end of the year are old-fashioned, profane and largely worthless. In our digital world, they have been perverted into irrelevant mass communication. What is a noble wish for peace, health etc. worth if it is reproduced thousands of times as an impersonal attachment in emails and social media? A pure waste of time and money… So let’s put an end to it!
Not quite so quickly. After all, it is not the congratulations as such that have been stripped of their substance. Wishing a good friend a happy and healthy new year is still the order of the day. We are thus paying tribute to the time that symbolically passes us by in the form of years. And with our wishes, we distinguish those who are close to us or with whom we have a special bond.
It is not the congratulations themselves that are perverted, but the form we usually give them today. From the previously time-consuming endeavour of handwriting individual wishes, to pre-printed cards and machine-generated address lists, to emails and social media posts with no direct reference to the person, good wishes have gradually degenerated into silly nonsense.
How do we as communication consultants deal with this?
We believe that in times of digital mass communication, the value of personal relationships is increasing. And we cultivate these relationships to the best of our knowledge and belief. That’s why we send customers, partners, colleagues and friends an original greetings card specifically created by us each year. And none of them go out without a handwritten note, even if it’s just a signature. This also means that we have to limit the scope. But the number of genuine relationships is naturally as finite as our time and resources are. Those who receive a card from us know this. And appreciate it all the more.
Yes, sending real greetings cards requires personal effort and time. But it is in keeping with our desire to honour the turn of the year as well as our relationships with other people. And of course we also use this opportunity to come up with creative ideas year after year 😉
Haven’t received a greetings card from us? We’ll be happy to send you one! Just click here.
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