Each of our customers, each industry, each market obeys its own rules, uses its own language, meets its own challenges. We know your business and what’s at stake, better than any communication agency. Understanding your differences and quickly appropriating the specific nature of your environment is part of our job.
At bb&b, we are resolutely turned towards the industry, in France as with elsewhere.
Faced with the most technical products, the most demanding markets, the most complex problems – our expertise is the best in field. In cpllaboration with your teams or on our own, we analyse, dissect, compare, synthesise and propose. Our goal is simple: to find the right answer to the right question (and sometimes the other way round).
We advise you across diverse fields: industrial marketing, digitalisation, branding, organisation, ideation… nothing brings us grater joy than to developing powerful ideas together with you.
« A highly professional and highly specialized agency, with scientific understanding and an industrial fiber. » V. R. Marketing Manager
Finding the right solution Creativity is more than just playing with ideas. We understand it as the targeted search for solutions that have it all: meaningful, strong and elegant. However, creativity does not develop in empty space. Focus, courage and commitment are crucial ingredients. As a customer, you are just as much in demand as we are as an agency!
No matter whether concept, design, text or strategy… creativity works best with clear guidance.
« They bring a fair creativity, they develop a beautiful image for us. » A. B. Commercial Director
The value of a strategy, the strength of a concept, must be measured against the results obtained. It requires a meticulous, rigorous and qualitative implementation. We do not back down in face of difficulties and we will always go the extra mile when required.
We have proven our ability to manage complex projects but we continue to pay attention to the smallest ones. Count on our expertise for managing catalogues, creating websites and mobile applications, running communication campaigns, coordinating projects including reporting and controlling, and more.
« I met someone very reflected, very marketing, with a lot of ideas.» C. G. Communication Manager
If everyone communicates for all it’s worth, volume doesn’t create profit. The push has had its day. Today, it’s the pull that counts. What exactly do you have to offer? For whom? Why, why and why? The brand is the decisive vehicle to stand out from the competition and to ensure that what you have to say is also heard and understood. The brand gets to the point. Towards customers as well as internally or on the job market. Clear, appealing, sincere, trustworthy. That’s how your brand should come across. And we do everything we can to achieve exactly that.
Marketing is digital … or yesterday’s news. The ability to match supply and demand in a fraction of a second has changed the world. Huge amounts of data and intelligent algorithms are the levers. However, the modern marketing machinery is not easy to operate. Programmatic advertising is a complex technology. Precise strategies and sophisticated technology generate success, everything else just costs. Which channel should it be? Digital marketing is diverse and short-lived. Not everything that is new makes sense. It all depends on the right mix.
Ugliness sells badly, as Raymond Loewy once said. Design has not only been a bestseller since then. But what should it look like? Pretty, smooth, provocative, functional or rather sober?
Creative design is more than just playing with ideas. We understand it as the targeted search for solutions that have it all: meaningful, powerful and elegant. That’s why before every brushstroke comes the headache: Design is intelligence made visible. Everything else is merely decoration.
The market environment, technologies and customer needs are changing. Companies have to take this into account and adapt – the faster the better. But this is often painful, tedious and lengthy. Or not. When leadership, organisation and motivation work together sensibly, dynamics can unfold. Internal propaganda, corporate jargon and hollow promises lead to the opposite. What do we have to say, what do we have to do? Successful change management begins with an honest assessment of the current situation.
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