Yara International
Safe by Choice
Internal Communication
Yara International
Safe by Choice
Internal Communication
Yara is a world leader in the production of nitrogen chemicals. The company, based in Norway, employs 17.000 people in 160 countries. Yara’s main products are fertilizers for agriculture. The company was confronted with an unsatisfying performance in terms of work safety across its many international facilities, with TRI and LTI rates increasing. The management decided to strive for excellence in safety by a change in culture. bb&b was mandated with the development of a communication concept to drive change throughout Yara’s worldwide activities.
We analyzed available research about safety performance and employee motivation, as summarized by the Bradley-Dupont curve. As a consequence, we conceived a communication concept based on pride, team performance and shared responsibility. We created the program title “safe by choice” as well as the logo and the associated baseline “together we care”. The deployment was kicked-off by a personal and emotional letter by the CEO, released in 20 languages and sent to all employees homes across the world. Awareness on production sites was raised through huge banners featuring images of teamwork, pride and shared responsibility.
Together with Yara’s HESQ and Branding department, we analyzed specific needs and existing materials. Literature research provided valuable insights on how to raise intrinsic motivation. We then developed the concept, visual identity, slogans, documentation materials, signage, etc. A photo reportage provided the image bank to be used for all communication materials. A communication toolkit ensured consistent implementation. All facilities were invited to order their communication materials directly via bb&b and the agency then ensured production and worldwide logistics. We also developed specific documentation on work safety.
The Safe by Choice campaign was received with enthusiasm by the entire company and was successful in raising pride amongst employees and thus inducing the desired change in culture. Since the project launch, the TRI rate has since diminished continuously from 5,0 in 2012 to 1,4 incidents per million hours worked, reaching the targeted level of excellence.
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