Lean management has become widely accepted in the production organisation of industrial companies (and beyond). It is an integrated socio-technical system that only promises success if it can be holistically integrated into the corporate culture. In this context, employee motivation and internal communication play a decisive role in the introduction and sustained implementation of lean management (Kaizen, 5S, Six Sigma, etc.).
As in all other areas of internal communication, intrinsic motivation must be at the forefront today in order to get staff on board. It is also important to take into account any negative reservations that are often wrongly associated with lean management.
Successful internal communication is based on authentic, credible and relevant content. It is therefore closely linked to the internal brand identity, which in turn cannot be separated from the external brand identity. We therefore develop holistic communication concepts in which internal communication on the topic of lean management (or any other topic) builds on the brand platform and the corporate vision. We attach great importance to the directed creation of corresponding visual worlds.
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