Occupational safety is not just a question of organisation. Appropriate communication is crucial for safe and efficient work processes. Communication takes place at different levels: Training, toolbox talks, signage, policies and procedures, etc.
However, repeated requests to observe the rules of occupational safety are mostly ignored and are therefore ineffective. Also, warnings about accidents hardly elicit any reaction, especially in companies that already meet high safety standards and therefore report few accidents. It is more promising to appeal to the intrinsic motivation of employees. Pride in good work is a universal motivation that can be used in this regard.
More important still is the permanent anchoring of safety in the company’s working culture, as described by the Bradley-Dupont curve. In this context, continuously motivating employees is a major challenge, especially when a high level of safety has already been achieved.
We develop communication concepts that mobilise people regarding occupational safety. Our approach is based on a scientific foundation (Bradley-Dupont, Safety 1 and Safety 2, Intrinsic Motivation, etc.). When translating these into concrete communication tools, we naturally incorporate brand management and change management aspects.
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