Energy transition is about power. And in many cases, this means DC power. But while we hear much about electric drives, batteries, fuel cells, solar panels etc., another critical component in the era of clean energy is of equal importance. We are talking about DC-DC converters, as they form the link be-tween DC power sources and sinks, adapting voltage levels as needed.
Yet, DC power conversion is an art. And the artists crafting this technology are highly sought after by the entire mobility industry. One of the world’s most regarded artist in shaping DC power is BrightLoop. The French start-up makes DC power as supple as a marshmallow. Just program the manifold of identical cells forming the converter and freely control energy fluxes back and forth! Moreover, the whole thing comes in an incredibly compact design, offering the market’s highest energy density.
Sounds like magic? Well, just do like we did: let Florent Liffran, BrightLoop’s CEO & CTO, explain the concept and then have a look under the lid…
BrightLoop has engineered the intelligence into DC-DC conversion. At bb&b, we are thrilled by the technology and the bright perspectives it offers. And we are steadfast ready to make our own contribution to help Brightloop achieve the market success this high-tech gem deserves!
Looking forward to an exciting cooperation! To learn more about BrightLoop, please visit BrightLoop.
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