We all dare to belong to a tribe. It seems to be deeply anchored in our prehistoric mindset. A tribe meant shelter and survival whilst getting expelled was a lethal threat. Still today, company departments, football clubs, ethnic groups, ideologies etc. all feature aspects of tribal culture. A tribe, by nature, is exclusive. There is nothing bad about it, it’s just human nature.
Sadly, we are constantly confronted with leaders exploiting our very human nature. It’s simple: identify or create a distinction, incite people to take position, stir it up with divisive rhetoric, then derive power by supporting one faction (and let others manage the damage). It has always worked, and it will continue working. Skin color, geographic origin, religion, brexit… anything goes to divide and to rule. Sometimes even company departments are turned into battle grounds.
It might be difficult to tell who is right and who is wrong. But it is quite easy to grasp who divides and who unites. Let’s support the latter.
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